
About Us.

SKYBOUND INTEGRATED ENTERPRISES LTD is a company registered in Nigeria under the companies and Allied Matters Acts of 1990.

The company is an indigenous company with a combination of expatriate and local content actively engaged in diverse sectors of the Nigerian economy.

SKYBOUND is an established provider of Engineering, construction, and procurement services with its activities backed up technically by some of the best known technical partners in the industry. With a work force made up of highly skilled professionals with specialized knowledge in the aforementioned fields, We are your number one choice for Borehole engineering, Geophysical and construction services.

We deploys a unique combination of local and foreign professionals to deliver excellent and cost effective solutions to industry problems. We have a policy of engaging the best available locals, in all trades, with rigorous supervision which provides us safe working environment without compromising on quality.


Our mission is to improve consistently our products and services to satisfy our customer’s needs at prices which offers maximum value for money spent. This we do by delighting our current and prospective customers with cutting- edge value- added services which will allow us to excel as a business and provide a superior financial returns to the owners of our business.



The objective of the company is to engage efficiently and profitably in the provision of professional and superior technical and procurement services to all our customers.


THE OWNERS OF OUR BUSINESS; To protect their investment with keen interest and provide them with superior financial returns.

TO CUSTOMERS; Our primary responsibility is to win and maintain customers ethically, by developing and providing services which offers value in terms of price, quality, safety, and environmental impact, which are supported by the requisite technological, environmental and commercial expertise.

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TO EMPLOYEES: To respect the human and civil rights of all employees, providing them with good and safe employee reward structures, to promote the development and use of human talent via deliberate and structured training programs consistent with what obtains within the industry, to encourage greater employee participation in

planning and direction of the work, and to implement the principles of the company.

TO THOSE WITH WHOM WE DO BUSINESS: We will establish mutually beneficial relationships with contractors and suppliers to promote the application of the company’s core business principles in the process, to ensure that ability to adhere  to these principles will be the determining factor in the decision to enter into or maintain existing relationships with contractors.

TO THE SOCIETY: We shall conduct our business as responsible corporate members of the society, to observe the laws of Nigeria, to express support for fundamental human rights with the legitimate role of business and to give proper regards to health, safety, and environment consistent with its commitment to contribute to sustainable development.

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